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Saturday, May 7, 2016

What my Mother Gave me

My name is Riley Rose Henderson, I will be a Senior in the fall, and recently I have been contemplating the question, "What defines me? What do I aspire to be?" It is my belief that every soul has to answer this question in order to know what their purpose is. In the shadows of my mind, I have created a list of thing things that I hope define me, the things that I aspire to be. I want a faith to move mountains, to love everyone with a God kind of love. I want to posses a work ethic, and an incredible ability to forgive, the ability to sacrifice my needs for the needs of others, and a kindness that extends beyond the normal. These are the qualities that I want engraved on the tablet of my heart, but where does my desire to posses these come from? I now know something, that I did not fully realize until now. My parents posses these qualities. They have these standards for themselves, and they live their lives with this moral integrity. Both of my parent's are the sweetest loveliest, and most real people I know, but since it is Mother's Day, I would like to focus on thanking my mother on this practically perfect day. 
After my parent's brought me home from the hospital, my mom chose to give up her career, and stay home with me. She gave up her job, to raise me. I can't imagine that it was easy, but she poured all of her love and effort into caring for and caring for my brother and I. Recently my brother and I had the opportunity to attend a private school, (shout out to Liberty Christian!) and in order to do so, my mom would have to go back to work. She not only got one, but two teaching jobs, at two different schools. She had no other reason than to do it for us, for me. She continues to put herself last everyday, and goes to work with a smile. My mother gave me the gift of sacrifice. 
For as long as I can remember my parent's have taken me to church, helped me memorize scripture, and prayed with me.  My mom has done family devotions with us around the dinner table, and prayed for me daily. My mother has given me the gift of faith. 
In this life, everyone has been wronged, and everyone has wronged. It is one of the unfortunate results of the fallen world we live in. I have seen my mother do wrong. I have seen her tearfully repent to God, and I have seen her humble herself and apologize, and ask for forgiveness. I have seen my mom wronged. (sometimes by me.) I have seen her forgive without being asked. I have seen her carry on as though it never happened. Her power to forgive amazes me. My mother gave me the gift of forgiveness and repentance.
From the time that I was in Kindergarten, until this past year, my mom has home schooled me. She taught me my ABC's  and Algebra, and Physics, and she gave me the love that I have for writing. My mother gave me the gift of learning. 
These examples barely scratch the surface of what my mom has done for me, or the love that she shows me on a daily basis. The things that she has given me could never be completely listed, she has given me my love for quotes, my adoration for black and white TV shows, and my love of sitcoms. All of these are my traits that my mother has passed on to me. I am grateful for all that she has done to make my life what it is. I want to thank her for instilling in me the traits that I hope to one day fully posses. I want to thank her for choosing me over herself countless times, and most of all, I want to thank her for leading me to the Savior that I adore. Thank you mom. 
My name is Riley Rose Henderson, and I have realized, that not only do my God, and my parent's define me, they are what I aspire to be. This is my goal, even if it takes me the rest of my life to achieve. Happy Mother's Day Mom! You are literally the best mom in the world! 

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